: : skip to main skip to sidebar Wednesday , October 19, 2011 fresh from your kitchen : milky oat bath This month's Fresh From Your Kitchen feature is an all-over skin smoothing and soothing soak Super easy and quick to make , you just need to make sure you can set aside time to soak and relax in the tub . Enjoy MILKY OAT BATH 1 4 cup oats mill the oats in a blender or coffee grinder 2T organic powdered milk 3T epsom salt 20-30 drops of essential oil(s of your choice , my pick lately has been a lavender , rose , neroli combo Directions 1. mix all ingredients together except the EOs . nbsp 2. add to bathwater as it's running , then add EOs to running . bathwater 3. soak , relax , breathe deep , be present , . enjoy What it Does milk contains a naturally occurring alpha- hydroxy acid from